June 2024 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

June 2024

Week 3

Something I learned about Detroit after working with my community organization is that a non-profit can operate in an organized manner while also having a fun and casual atmosphere. The pandemic increased accessibility for people working in the organization and children who want to take tutoring lessons as now they can do so remotely. I […]

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Week 3 at KGD

One thing I’ve learned about Detroit since working at KGD is that Detroit has an extensive history of farming. Before colonization, the indigenous people did not view land as something that could be owned. They viewed land as living and shared with the community. However, when the French colonized the Detroit area, they divided the

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Week 3:

Through DCERP, I’ve discovered numerous nonprofit organizations serving my community, many of which I wasn’t aware of before. My site specifically, the Southwest Detroit Community Justice Center, underwent big changes due to the pandemic, especially dealing with the community court. Before the pandemic the judge conducted proceedings in person, and even had their chambers onsite.

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Week 3

Hello Again! It’s been super hot this week, so I hope everyones been staying cool. Working with LGBT Detroit has been as great learning experience. In my last post, I mentioned how I was helping work on a documentary to celebrate 30 years of LGBT Detroit. As part of the documentary, I’ve been helping interview

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Something I’ve learned is that Detroit is 80% African American. Another thing is that the tacos here are very hyped. I have yet to try some but I’m looking forward to it. During COVID AtBat took a pause and went virtual. Instead of having kids come in like a summer camp, they virtually taught kids

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Week 3! :)

Something I have learned about Detroit so far from working at my site and talking to others is that engaging with the community is very important. At my site specifically, we are brainstorming ways to engage with the community and possibly inform them on the importance of voting. I have heard my roommates talk about

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[WEEK 3] Diving Deeper

Working with this organization has been an incredibly enriching experience, marked by inclusivity and a welcoming environment. I have had the opportunity to engage with a diverse range of groups and organizations, including the Ford Senior Center, local volunteers, and children in summer programs. Additionally, participating in professional CPR training allowed me to connect with

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Week 3

My time working with Brilliant Detroit so far has showed me how strong of a community Detroit is, and how resilient and dedicated its community members are to strengthening their community and the families that live in it. The mentors I have at Brilliant are all extremely passionate, kind, and hard-working people who genuinely care

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Week 3

Something that I have learned about Detroit since I started working at my organization is that Detroit has a lot of resources for postpartum support, but a lot of people who could benefit from it are unaware of what resources are available. I hope that by interning at Hitha Healing House this summer and creating

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