Week 2 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2

This summer, I am interning at Hitha Healing House, and I am working primarily on their Nurturing Roots Maternal Program. Hitha Healing House is focused on increasing awareness of health disparities, fostering healing, and using holistic approaches for our mind and body. This program’s mission is to assist new families and postpartum mothers, improve maternal health outcomes, and bridge gaps in underserved areas. This program aims to provide a supportive environment along with wellness services that help growing families. Currently, I am working on creating a resource list for postpartum mothers in Detroit. This organization list will help bring awareness to the resources that are available for mothers and their families. However, my summer research project has a lot of different aspects to it. I am in charge of a mini-series on the nonprofit’s Instagram page entitled “Wellness Wednesdays.” Every Wednesday, I create educational stories to post to their Instagram highlights. I really like that I am able to be creative with the mini-series while also learning so much about the postpartum stage along the way! One of my favorite aspects of working at my site is that I get to accompany my mentor during family consultation visits. I enjoy learning about what the postpartum mothers hope to achieve once the program comes to an end.

So far, I am enjoying my time as a DCERP fellow. I wasn’t sure what to expect coming into the experience, and I was a bit nervous to get started at my site. However, everyone has been super welcoming, and I can’t wait to learn more about the other fellows and do some fun activities with them! I am most excited to explore Detroit and learn about its history.

4 thoughts on “Week 2”

  1. Interning at Hitha Healing House sounds super fun and rewarding! “Wellness Wednesdays” sounds like a great way to educate mothers about postpartum. Can’t wait to see the positive impact you will make over the next few weeks!

  2. Hitha Healing House sounds like such an amazing and rewarding site to work at. I am looking forward to see more of your work in the coming weeks!

  3. The work you’re doing sounds so fulfilling and heartwarming! I like how you’re also at creative liberty with the Wellness Wednesdays posts. I can’t wait to hear more about the future work you do!

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