Week 2 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2

As I briefly mentioned in my first post my community site is Brilliant Detroit. Their mission is to help develop and support families in areas such as health, education, community, and overall family support. Brilliant Detroit does this by having different sites/houses in numerous neighborhoods across Detroit. These sites host many programs based around the areas I mentioned above. It is important that Brilliant Detroit has different locations around the city to ensure as many families as possible can use their resources, most of these sites are in neighborhoods so their programs are only a walk away for most families!

My job as an intern is to help the organization develop a new program called “Brilliant On The Go”. This program is intended to be presented at different schools to children and their parents in order to spread awareness of Brilliant Detroit’s mission and encourage the families to participate in their programs. A brief description of “Brilliant On The Go” is a presentation of what Brilliant Detroit is, our programs and our impact. After a brief introduction the families will participate in a compressed version of one of our programs so they have an idea of what they are like. And the end is open for questions.

Taking a set back from Brilliant Detroit, DCERP as a whole has been a great experience so far! Detroit is a wonderful city with so much history and a strong sense of community. I have also loved getting to know everyone, everyone is so kind and passionate. I’m looking forward to exploring Detroit with the other fellows.

1 thought on “Week 2”

  1. Brilliant On the Go sounds like a very engaging and innovative program that will help spread the word about Brilliant Detroit’s work! I love that Brilliant Detroit has several locations to serve the community, and that they are within walking distance for many families. This sounds like amazing work and I can’t wait to hear more about it!

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