Week 2 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2

Hi Everyone! I can’t believe it’s already week 2 already, where has the time gone? It’s been great to get to meet everyone and learn more about you.

The site that I’m working at is LGBT Detroit. From their website, their mission is to “Activate, amplify, and sustain LGBT+ culture, education, advocacy, and human rights.” In addition, LGBT Detroit is “North America’s Largest Black Founded & Led LGBT+ Non-Profit.”

My research with them has three main components. The first is helping in the creation of the documentary to celebrate LGBT Detroit’s 30th anniversary. I’ve been reaching out to community members to help schedule and conduct interviews to be featured in the documentary. The second task helping with their pride event, Hotter than July. I’ve been helping coordinate logistics for the room, and am even playing the drums at the event! Lastly, I’ve been helping compile mental health resources within the organization, so that when people are looking for help with mental health, they know where to find resources they need. It’s been a lot of fun so far!

The Dcerp program has been amazing so far. It’s been a lot of fun to meet everyone and get to know you all better. There’s many people from many diverse backgrounds, so everyone has something different to bring to the table when it comes to the program, which is really cool.

Looking forward to the rest of the summer!

1 thought on “Week 2”

  1. Your project sounds cool, and that’s also great that there’s a documentary that your non-profit is working on! I agree, everyone does have something different to bring to the table when it comes to the program!

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