Week 2 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2

Hello again! This summer I am working with the Detroit Department of Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity (CRIO). CRIO’s was created to address civil rights and ethics in Detroit, but over the years has evolved where the goal is now to hear the voices of Detroit and handle complaints, assure accessibility, and work to provide opportunities for Detroit businesses and youth. I am working under CRIO’s policy and data team, which focuses on ensuring that all of CRIO adheres to the Detroit City Charter and compiling the data from all departments to view progress.

My project for the summer focuses on voting engagement, education and community. One our goals is to create a resource that details Detroit’s history and political history. Political being how the city has voted in previous years or what efforts presidential candidates have made to sway Detroit to their side during elections. The second is to hold an event that will encourage people to places in Detroit that have community value or serve as poll during elections. The event should be something that moves people to their local community centers or libraries where they can view our voting resources and hopefully encourage people to register to vote.

I am having a nice time getting to know everyone! Everyone is nice and open, and I can’t wait to explore Detroit together.

3 thoughts on “Week 2”

  1. It sounds like your organization is working toward a meaningful mission. Providing people with voting resources is important, especially during this election year. Learning more about Detroit’s political history sounds interesting. Maybe it’s something we can do during one of our DCERP meetings/outings.

  2. Hi! CRIO sounds like an amazing organization, your project sounds like it will be extremely important and beneficial. I can’t wait to learn more about it in the coming weeks!

  3. The work you’re doing is really interesting and valuable! I love the data aspect of community-engaged work because evaluation is a crucial step in improving already established systems to become more efficient and therefore help more people. Keep up the amazing work 🙂

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