Week 2 Post – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2 Post

My community placement is at Brilliant Detroit, a non-profit that works with children from 0-8 years old and their families to set them up for success and provide any needed resources free of charge. There are currently 19 Brilliant Detroit sites that are spread out in different Detroit neighborhoods. Brilliant Detroit’s mission is to “provide a radically new approach to kindergarten readiness in neighborhoods.” My summer project is focused on Brilliant Detroit’s health pillar this summer. I’ll be working with kids to teach them sustainable gardening and exercise practices and updating the current Brilliant systems wherever possible. So far, my DCERP program experience has been pretty good, mostly because of the other fellows. Everyone shares a unique perspective and their own passions, which is great to see and continues to inspire me. I’ve learned that a lot of the DCERP fellows and I share similar experiences regarding housing accomodations, which is very validating to hear. A lot of us also want to explore the amazing opportunities the city of Detroit has to offer as well. I’m excited to continue working with Brilliant Detroit and the other DCERP fellows this summer :).

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