Week 2 at DREAM – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2 at DREAM


As I mentioned in my last blog post, I’m working as a research fellow at DREAM of Detroit, a non-profit focused on community organizing, economic development, and housing development for Detroit’s Muslim community this summer. 

My research project is focused on studying as well as contributing to DREAM’s policy and legal initiatives that benefit the local community. I’m hoping to learn more about how DREAM advocates for policy changes at a city and state-level, and contribute to these efforts in any way I can. So far, I love working with DREAM and learning all about their work, and how they serve the community. It’s been so inspiring to learn more about their efforts on a daily basis!

The DCERP program has also been really interesting and engaging. I’ve loved getting to know the other fellows in the last 2 weeks, and I’m excited for all of our future outings and activities together!

1 thought on “Week 2 at DREAM”

  1. Your nonprofit sounds really cool! It’s important to help out the local community, and the legal initiatives sound really tough but also important. Best of luck with your project!

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