Week 3 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 3

Something that I have learned about Detroit since I started working at my organization is that Detroit has a lot of resources for postpartum support, but a lot of people who could benefit from it are unaware of what resources are available. I hope that by interning at Hitha Healing House this summer and creating a resource guideline, I will be able to increase the accessibility of these resources. During the pandemic, my mentor was constructing Hitha Healing House and it was finished a couple of years later. As a result, the pandemic slowed down the construction of the organization and pushed back the grand opening.

One thing that I learned from talking with the other DCERP fellows is that Southwest Detroit has a lot of murals that I am super excited to see and hear more about the background behind the art pieces!

Overall, I have been having a great time at my organization so far. I have had the opportunity to interact with the community a lot as I have assisted my mentor during consultations with postpartum mothers who are being welcomed into the program! My next assignment is to interview the practitioners who will be helping postpartum mothers along their journey, so I can’t wait to hear about their experiences working with families in Detroit.

2 thoughts on “Week 3”

  1. Hi,
    Wow, I really admire your work! Postpartum mothers often do not get enough support, so I am so glad that you are supporting them.

    Since my site is in Southwest Detroit, I do happen to see a lot of them. If you search them up online, you can get tons of photo. My personal favorites are from Elton Monroy!

  2. It is amazing to learn Detroit has many resources for postpartum support and that you are working for mothers to gain accessibility to these resources!

    Southwest Detroit is also a place I’m looking forward to visiting, it seems like a very rich and historic area of Detroit and I also hear the food there is great.

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