Week 3 at DREAM – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 3 at DREAM

As a member of Dream of Detroit, I often find myself working and meeting at various coffee shops across the city. One of my favorite spots (I’ve heard about this coffee shop since joining the DREAM team) is The Congregation. It originally was a church then was transformed into a coffee shop after the building was damaged by fire. 

In our community meetings, my roommate’s mentor, who is actively involved with Keep Growing Detroit (KGD), has shared information about this incredible non-profit organization. Founded in 2013, Keep Growing Detroit is dedicated to supporting gardeners and farmers within Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park. 

I am inspired by the mission of Keep Growing Detroit and aspire to deepen my involvement with them one day. Whether it’s by meeting more community members, volunteering, or securing an internship, I look forward to contributing to their impactful work and learning even more about their work and mission.

3 thoughts on “Week 3 at DREAM”

  1. Hi Rattanna! I’m glad to hear that you’re inspired by KGD’s work. If you’re interested, they are always looking for volunteers to help on Tuesdays and Thursday from 5 PM to 7 PM.

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