Week 2! :) – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2! :)

Hi everyone! This summer I am working with the City of Detroit’s Office of Civil rights, Inclusion, and opportunity department. Under CRIO I am with the data & policy team. One important thing that the CRIO office does is protect Detroit residents from unlawful discrimination. CRIO’s mission is to remove discriminatory barriers and benefit Detroiters.
Our research project this summer revolves around trying to inform Detroiters on why their vote in elections is so important, and kind of looking at ways to try to make voting more accessible to Detroiters. My team is still doing the beginning research for our project, but I can not wait until we start digging deeper!
My experience in DCERP so far has been so fun! I love interacting with you all, and just talking about our placements. The DCERP community is so kind, and I am glad it is something I get to experience! I know as a group we have explored some parts of Detroit together already, but I am excited to explore more. I am looking forward to venturing out and seeing more of the city with you all!

3 thoughts on “Week 2! :)”

  1. I really love their mission, especially how it resonates here in Detroit. Can’t wait to hear about other they put you up to!

  2. I think the aim of the research project is so important, especially in a city like Detroit, where there is such a diversity. Every voice deserved to be heard and I can’t wait to see the results of this project!

  3. Your research project sounds very interesting and I love their mission. I look forward to hearing more about your project!

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