freoniap – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program


Week 4

Reflecting on the work culture/environment of Brilliant Detroit, it is a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Most of my colleagues are quite a few years older than I am, apart from the other interns who are also college students. However, I usually don’t work with the other interns and work with their permanent employees. Even […]

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Week 3

My time working with Brilliant Detroit so far has showed me how strong of a community Detroit is, and how resilient and dedicated its community members are to strengthening their community and the families that live in it. The mentors I have at Brilliant are all extremely passionate, kind, and hard-working people who genuinely care

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Week 2

As I briefly mentioned in my first post my community site is Brilliant Detroit. Their mission is to help develop and support families in areas such as health, education, community, and overall family support. Brilliant Detroit does this by having different sites/houses in numerous neighborhoods across Detroit. These sites host many programs based around the

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Week 1

Hi everyone! My name is Freonia and I am a rising sophomore majoring in Public Health Sciences. I am excited to get to know everyone better and be able to learn about everyone’s interests and goals because I think one of the great things about this program is that we all are able to learn

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