Archive – Page 2 – Barger Leadership Institute Student Voices


Defining Mindful Leadership

After participating in the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute’s conference and completing the 28-day mindfulness challenge, I’ve found that a key part of mindful leadership is the ability to calmly and appropriately experience and respond to emotions. This kind of emotional intelligence is built largely through experience, which is mostly a function of time, but

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Romina – UBELONG (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

By Romina Potter This past May, I taught English in Phnom Penh, Cambodia for four weeks through a non-profit called UBELONG. This was my second time volunteering through UBELONG because I sincerely ascribe to its service philosophy, with its deep commitment to long term initiatives, for a lasting impact that is achieved through a sustained

Romina – UBELONG (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Read More »

Brian – Institute for Economics and Peace (Sydney, Australia)

By Brian Lee I was interning for the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). They are a not for a profit think tank that tries to measure peace in the world by developing a global peace index. In the organization, I was doing some in-house consulting for a philanthropist that wanted to measure the cost-effectiveness

Brian – Institute for Economics and Peace (Sydney, Australia) Read More »

Kate – Squirrel Financial Wellbeing (London, England)

By By Kate Marciniak This summer I was an employer engagement intern at a financial technology startup company called Squirrel in London, England for two months. The team consisted of about 10 people which was very unique in that I had direct contact with every ‘department’ of the company within one room. I was given

Kate – Squirrel Financial Wellbeing (London, England) Read More »

Darian Razdar – Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, and Hiroshima, Japan

By Darian Razdar Early this summer (well, technically spring), I had the opportunity to travel to four of the largest cities in the nation of Japan.  Specifically: Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto and Hiroshima.  During the month of May, I traveled between these cities with a class from the University of Michigan, investigating postwar cultures of Japan.

Darian Razdar – Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, and Hiroshima, Japan Read More »

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