Week 2: Detroit Public Schools – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2: Detroit Public Schools

I am working with the Detroit Public Schools Office of Energy and Sustainability. They manage energy usage and cost, auditing, rate optimization, vendor negotiations, and energy savings initiatives, such as the DPS Go Green Challenge.

Most of what I do is divided into two areas: researching alternative funding methods for school efficiency upgrades, and analyzing the data from the Go Green Challenge. The financial model my boss, Emile, is most interested in is social impact investing, which is a relatively new field. As for the Go Green Challenge, since it has been going for three years now, I am comparing this year’s data to previous years in order to identify ways to fine tune the program, especially in the high-school sector.

This past week in Detroit has been really fun. I went to a Pride parade and the Eastern Market, saw Mad Max and the Heidleberg Project,  scavenger hunted, made lots of new friends, and I have an awesome running buddy to wake up early and putting in the miles with me (shout out to Dominic). Altogether, I’m experiencing a linear increase in fun.


I have also identified a second suspicious silhouette. 11407108_1115608021799175_8684268633291943581_n

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