Week 3 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 3

As much as teamwork is reinforced in school you never really see how important it really is in the real world. As the old saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child,”  it really does take everyone in the office to get a project done. Though one person in the office at SDEV is contracted to put together an event they are not the only ones making it happen. Everyone in the office is giving everything their all to ensure success. 

Working out in the Cadillac Gardens is probably the most fun. Having the chance to get out of the office and get your hands dirty is a great chance to redirect your thinking. Just being one with nature and with people in the community is truly fulfilling. 

This same theory can be applied to the city of Detroit. There is so much going on at one time. People are working and building their lives but also enjoying what is around them. Every neighborhood in the city varies to a certain degree but the passion for the city remains the same. 

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Juan and I had a chance on our lunch break to stop the the Mexicantown Bakery. I waited as he talked to friends and loved every second  gazing at these beauties. 

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