One group meeting that will always stick with me was the most cozy and thought-provoking one. This was way back in the first half of the program, where we gathered in a tight circle in our small dorm lounge to talk critically and share our thoughts about Detroit, gentrification, and our place in Detroit this summer. I’m glad that almost everyone contributed their own unique thoughts about these tough topics and realized that we’re the ones gaining skills from this short program, rather than us swooping in to “save” Detroit in 10 weeks. I’m glad that I’m with a group that’s realistic and careful with their place in this community instead of a missionary/savior mindhive. Having that large group meeting to talk about race and the culture of Detroit was essential, and I’m happy that I got the courage to share my feelings about being a part of the 1 or 2 percent of Asian-Americans in Detroit. I’m glad that we felt comfortable enough with each other to have those fruitful conversations, so kudos to those who planned this meeting!
I love having these outlets to talk about issues like this, especially with a group that I’m comfortable enough to speak about these touchy topics. This meeting was a glimpse of my the Intergroup Relations Education minor will go. The talk built up my courage and experience with talking in large groups, which will be a great skill to have when I’ll eventually have to facilitate those dialogues. I’ve enjoyed every casual discussion I’ve had with smaller sections in the DCBRP group and I hope that they continue even as the program comes to an end!