Week 9: What’s happening in the D? – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 9: What’s happening in the D?

Being away from Detroit for a year, and now coming back in the summer; I have seen so much change. I walk around downtown or midtown and I see so much new construction, I am taken aback. A couple of years ago there was no new development, and many people did not want to hang out in downtown because they felt it was dangerous and boring.

Now, I see all types of people in downtown having a wonderful time and being carefree. Although I am happy about this new development I am still perplexed by the sudden interest in the city. I know why people are here now, Detroit is the cool and hip place to work and play, but the same people who are enjoying the fruit of success from the new Detroit, could not give it the time of day years prior.

As I go back to Ann Arbor in a month, I am sure there will be even more new development to come. My only question is at what price will this new Detroit cost? There are so many historical sites being destroyed for the creation of new attracts, I just do not want to come home and not recognize the city in which I grew up in.

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