Week 7 blog- B – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 7 blog- B

I have been trying to think back to what could affect me the most from this experience in the program, while trying to exclude anything that could have happened at the placement. I think some of the events including Last Days of ChinaTown, the walking tours with Jamon Jordan, and Detroit 67 made me realize how much I actually do not know because I do not often look much into history. I never really had that much interest in history as a subject, especially if I just have to read it out of a book and get tested on it, but this actually was interesting. I think it explains a lot about what is happening in modern day and how what we do now can look in the future. These experiences constantly remind me of how much flies right above my head and I am not sure how to feel about it since I can live here for years and not know much of what happened before.

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