My project involves a lot of interviews. I’m interviewing past students out of the organization’s program, as well as past (or continuing) community partners with DFA. I learned through this process that conducting interviews with people can be very difficult – the barrier of getting people to reconnect is tough.
The interviewing process also challenged me from an organizational standpoint. I set up a Google form that was only used by 1/30 people it was sent out to. Perhaps much of my efforts were not received. After switching to contacting people by phone number, responses got a little better. Then, after adding incentive there was slight improvement as well. More people were comfortable just doing a phone call, rather than Zoom, so my way of retaining the information was limited – I recorded the information by typing (thankfully I’m over the 80WPM threshold). Although I only got a handful of participants, they all were very passionate about DFA.
I’m finished with the interview phase of my research. Now, I plan to use the qualitative data I’ve collected this summer, and survey data collected by my organization last year to make recommendations for how the organization should continue with their Youth Career Support program, which is a mentorship between a local business and student.
Wish me luck,
Myla Lyons
p.s., here’s a couple of dishes I’ve made this summer
Finding the right ways to do a project can be really difficult, so it’s great that you tried different methods until landing on the right one! Also, those dishes look soo good… kinda getting hungry now!
It shows a lot of determination and consideration as you tried different interview methods to meet people at their comfort level and ways they were most accessible. Overall it sounds like you have done so much for your organization that will help them for the years to come. Great work!!
Hi Myla! I remember when your mentor came to speak to us. Your organization seems incredible, and I am so happy that it exists and is able to help the Detroit community. This summer I helped with interviews, though I never gave an interview myself. I enjoyed being able to meet so many different people and hear their stories.