Hi everyone! My name is Emily Castaneda-Espinoza, I’m a rising junior majoring in Linguistics and minoring in Gender & Health. This summer, I will be working at the Office of Disability Affairs to make Detroit a more accessible community. Community, to me, is a collective of individuals who care and support one another despite coming from such diverse backgrounds. When I first learned about DCERP, I was immediately drawn to their mission in prioritizing support services (health, education, etc) to assist the citizens of Detroit. Although I do not have much experience in research or community planning, I hope to grow those skills throughout the summer. While I understand that making an impact in two months is a difficult task, I would be proud to have contributed in taking a step forward in making Detroit a place that is more accessible for all the people who live within it. Throughout this journey, I’m looking forward to learning more about Detroit and creating friendships with my fellow peers 🙂
3 thoughts on “Week One”
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Hi Emily! Working at the Office of Disability Affairs sounds really interesting. I’m also in the same boat as you – I don’t exactly have a ton of experience with community planning – but I’m excited to see how interning at our respective non-profit organizations will shape us and help us develop new skills and perspectives.
Hey Emily! I’m so excited that DCERP allows you to work on a mission that is important to you! I look forward to learning more about your takeaways from the project.
Hi Emily, it’s great that you are so open to this new experience and I’m sure you’ll do amazing! I look forward to reading more about your growth as the program progresses. 🙂