Week 2!! – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2!!

My organization is called AtBat and is located in the Southfield region of Detroit. This program offers an opportunity for students to maintain physical and academic strength through the long summer. It is also an opportunity for parents to leave their kids somewhere safe while at work. So far I have been making lessons for the students starting on Monday and making a schedule of everything they will do when they get here. For one of the lessons they will be learning about minerals and rock formation and for the engaged activity, we will be making crystals with pipe cleaners and borox. I’m instructing the other instructors on how to teach the students when they come since we will all be split up into groups. I’ve enjoyed connecting with other DCERP fellows and hearing about their programs. I’m excited to explore Detroit with them.

1 thought on “Week 2!!”

  1. Working with kids, especially that young, sounds like it can be tough, however I’m sure you’re great at it! It’s important for parents to have a safe spot to leave their children, especially when school isn’t in session. Best of luck with your project!

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