Allied Media Conference – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Allied Media Conference

So this week was the Allied Media Conference.  Rhonda (da boss) told us that the Sierra Club would pay for us to attend the Allied Media Conference and that we should check out their website to see if we would like to attend.  After only looking at the pictures of the conference online it seemed very whack and I really didn’t want to go.  I thought it was a conference for kids 18 and under and probably something I would be bored or annoyed with.  However; Amy actually read what the Allied Media Conference was about and signed us both up so Thursday through Friday we attended sessions at the conference.  The Conference was GREAT! There were all types of people at this conference from all over the country!  I meet people from California, Wisconsin, Canada, Florida and they all were doing amazing work, working with great organizations.  Not to mention it was not 18 and under; in fact most of the people attending the conference were older than me.  Each day we had a selection of sessions to attend at different hours.  So every few hours I could choose from a long list a session that seemed interesting.  I enjoyed every session I attended along with meeting new people and making a few connections.  Some of the sessions I attended were: Research Justice (which has a lot to do with my current project at the Sierra Club), Afro-pessimism (speaking on white supremacy in America today), Spiritual Dance and Performance (unleashing my spiritual side), food and job sustainability (what we eat and where it comes from) and a few other amazing sessions.  During these sessions I often found myself really engaged and interested in what was being said or presented.  The conference was very organized and very laid back.  I am extremely glad I got the opportunity to experience such an amazing event.  I will definitely attend the next Allied Media conference here in Detroit if given a chance!

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