CPPC week 4 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

CPPC week 4

This week was a very interesting week because I was able to experience a few new things and it was very busy. During this week the reason why we where so busy was because we had a Blue ribbon Panel Meeting. One of the major events was the Blue Ribbon Panel Tour, this was important because even though they are working on the park and are giving ideas most of them had never been to chandler park. So to help the panel members have a better understanding of the park and help them rap their minds around the conservation theme.  We gave them a chance to see the various sites, walk on the field and meet the Water Park managers and the  Golf Course manager. So this was very successful and had a lot of creative ideas flowing because people where already working on designs and telling us to call them so we could discuss more ideas.

The next exciting event for my week was the fact that I did research, not just my usual research on the computer, I went downtown to the Detroit Main Library. Pam and I spent hours going through archives and analyzing every speck of information we could gather on Chandler Park. This made me realize that research could be very fun because its a long process, but once you find a little piecee of information, you are fueled to keep going because you know you are getting close.. So all in all, this was a great week.

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