7. Research and Weather – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

7. Research and Weather

Okay this week had good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first? The bad news right?

Well this week we had to close the Eastside Farmers Market early due to bad weather. In the beginning it was all going well besides the strong winds that where threatening to blow over some of the tents but once when had them bagged (anchored down buy sand bags) it wasn’t that bad. People where still coming and the vendors did not mind the strong wind so everything was good. That was until the winds lifted up a tent and almost caused two other tents to collapse. So at this point it was time to call it quits. But this is the worst part. As we where breaking down tents the wind lifted the one of the tents up and flipped it over on a car. It was totally destroyed and took 4 people to get it off the car and dismantle it. That tent might have cost $1,000 and one second without it being watched the wind took it and it was over..

On a good Note.

Pam and I are reaching new highest in terms of our research on Chandler Park. This week we where given a chance to go down to Detroit’s Parks and recreation office and do research on Chandler Park. This was great because they had way more information on Chandler Park then any other place previously search. We found ton’s of old blue prints on the water park, the golf course, and the entire Chandler Park. This research was very successful and will be a huge resource for CPPC and the Blue ribbon panel when discussing ideas for restoring the park.

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