A “We are already seven weeks in?” panic – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

A “We are already seven weeks in?” panic

With three-ish weeks left, I’m starting to feel the pinch. Now, not only do I need to finish my project, but I need to prepare for the symposium as well. So between designing the survey tools, trying to analyze the data, starting on the report, starting on the poster, and trying to do so with that looming due date inching closer, calls and emails take longer and longer to be returned, family and friends start wondering if I’m still alive, and I start forgetting about all of my other obligations. So forgive me for getting behind on blog posts and the like. I’m spending my days with a bunch of spreadsheets, creating something which will (hopefully) be useful long after I leave Detroit. Summer always seems to fly by, but with a labor-intensive project due and bosses watching, that gives it a whole new meaning. So for now, it is time to kick it into high gear and get it done! Wish me luck!

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