Working From Home – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Working From Home

So, usually I am in the office everyday for 8 hours at the same desk, in the same chair, facing the wall. This is horrifyingly uncomfortable and boring to say the least. I have very bad hip problems which results in my legs falling asleep or being numb every hour. It is truly painful. So I decided to ask my supervisor if I could work from home and she was shockingly okay with this. So I spent the last week working from home and it was AMAZING!!!!!

I actually find myself getting more accomplished because I can be comfortable and not have pain on my brain. lol I like the fact that I can eat, walk around, go outside, look out the window, etc. My mood has been a lot better. Office setting is terrible especially when you are in the “waiting” room without a desk or comfy chair. I have completed my project already and am now tackling extra tasks such as an alumni survey for the program.

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