Week 3 Craziness – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 3 Craziness

It’s been a wild week already at Nortown CDC! Still in utter amazement by all of the work that the ladies in this office take on, and so thankful that I am along for the ride. As I mentioned in my last post, my project this summer is to conduct park research in District 3. Last week I experienced the important, although less exciting, aspects of nonprofit work like office duties, and online research. I also photographed many of the parks and observed their (mostly) poor condition. Grass knee-high and scattered trash are common themes… hardly a place where kids and the community at-large feel welcomed to play, and gather. Green space can seem like a trivial concern when faced with the multi-dimensional issues that are familiar to the city of Detroit, but without it community is hardly possible. Green spaces provide a place for gathering, communicating, creating strength for the community to decide what they want out of the space they live in.

This week has come with a total shift in pace compared to last week because of news about one of the parks in District 3. Lipke park, a currently well-maintained, 15 acre green space that contains a closed recreation facility, came up on the city council agenda to be sold to the Salvation Army. This was hardly a surprise as this deal has been in the works for about a year now. The problem, however, is how underhandedly this whole process has happened. Community members surrounding Lipke have fought relentlessly to be apart of this decision and plan, and have been kept in the dark through every effort. Promises of a new water park, have turned into discoveries that the Salvation Army has no intention of keeping Lipke a green space. The politics behind this deal are ugly. So, this week has been nothing short of a rally for Nortown CDC. We have stayed very busy calling community members, protesting at city council, handing out flyers, and trying to make northeast Detroit heard in this battle against selling Lipke. I have gotten to observe the ugliness of politics accompanied by the beauty that is community organizing. Every day is something new. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for tomorrow (another day protesting at city council)! 


 ImageA District 3 Park that isn’t very welcoming for anyone to enjoy. 


Image Community member with an awesome bike invention for enduring any situation.



3 thoughts on “Week 3 Craziness”

  1. I really enjoyed the pictures, especially the man on his bike. Last week I was marveling at how clean Detroit seemed, given its many issues, trash and litter didn’t really seem to be one of the bigger problems; at least in Downtown and Midtown. It was easy to forget things I’ve heard about stacks of tires and things of that ilk scattered around other areas. This picture serves as a reminder. Keep fighting the good fight to save Lipke Park…it’s a change of pace for me to hear about ugly political deals that ARE being contested; and it’s especially nice to hear from someone who’s helping to contest them.

  2. Wow! It sounds like you’re doing amazing things with your organization! It’s awesome that you have been getting in on the action and that you are truly helping to fight for the betterment of the community and the residents. Community organizing really is a beautiful thing! I hope this upcoming week is just as exciting, if not more. Solidarity!

  3. I really appreciated the pictures! It’s fascinating and horrifying how communities can be shut out of the decision-making process, especially when there is a strong effort to be a part of the process. What does the district plan to do with the revenue from the park? Also, how is it politically acceptable to promise a water park and then, not build one?

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