Week Three: New Environment – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week Three: New Environment

Over the course of a couple weeks I have come to love the city of Detroit along with its numerous wonderful sights. Though not everything is how they used to be, I still find beauty in them because I know they once stood for something beautiful. Also my job allows me to see another aspect of the Detroit public schools.  I mean we hear about DPS and all we think about are the different schools. However there are a lot of  526  529 530 531527

underlining issues the School system faces. These pictures illustrates some of the issues the DPS system faces. One of the many schools closed due to decrease number of students had a leak. This is the result due to the weather outside and no solution to solve the leak. I questioned my supervisor why they have not drained the water and he stated that the school system does not have enough money for that. In this case what will happen? He said that the leak could be left alone or he could call the water department to shut the water off in the school. However his only concern was in case a fire broke out, there would be no water in the building.

This illustrate that though Detroit is beautiful it has its weak spot. From the outside we may judge things without knowing the stories behind them. It is sad to see some of these buildings in their current situations because nobody likes broken things.

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These are all a few places I have the chance of seeing since being here. The old train station displays some the amazing architecture that Detroit may be know for. Also at night time, the lights and buildings emerge as one an great a sight worth seeing. I have never had the privilege of see this part of Detroit until now and I am grateful for this opportunity.


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