What up doe? – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

What up doe?

Today, FOP gave out food to the community. It, I felt, was an intense event. But, in retrospect I see that it was business as usual for the rest of the FOP staff, and it was this aura of the staff and thus, the atmosphere of the office that made the day intense for me. It is spectacular that helping people is “business as usual”, and when I chose FOP as one of my top choices for my internship I had this in mind. Basically, I’ve observed that helping the community is “business as usual” at FOP -its not a temporary project or initiative but, FOP’s purpose -and that’s spectacular.

For instance, every week this month FOP is holding an “Earn-a-Bike” workshop for the kids in the community. During this workshop the kids are taught about all the gadgets on a bike and how to replace/repair them, and about proper bike safety. I was lucky enough to be included in this workshop as well, and here is a picture of me earning a bike:



In this picture I’m repairing the gears to a  classic, cool, 10 speed bike that I’ll hopefully earn by the end of the workshop. I’m in the workshop with kids from the neighborhood, and in their own unique way, they’re spectacular too. 🙂

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