Week 3- Do You See What I See – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 3- Do You See What I See

The first two weeks in Highland Park has been amazing. I have seen a lot of things in the last two week being in my organization. The 48203/ HP Collaborative is focused on the age friendly community and the youth. Which are two distinct groups in Highland Park that need the most help. The youth need help with a plethora of things. Opportunities are hard for them to find in Highland Park one because they only have one high school and its closing this year. Another reason the youth are struggling is because they suffer to receive funding for programs that will benefit them. The age friendly community needs the same about of support as the youth. They suffer from the same neglect the youth do. Not enough programs in the community to support them.

This is where the 48203/ HP Collaborative research/ mission comes into play. Ms. Charlene wants to develop programs that will help the youth from cradle to career. This will eventually be a program that will help the elderly as well. Hopefully at the end of the summer we will be able to develop this program a bit more. 




This photo above is a park where the children go play and take hikes and plant gardens. As you can see the park is not being taken care due to lack of funding. This is sad because as Ms. Charlene explained how great it was before seeing I was seeing spectacular and when seeing it I was disappointed and saddened. 


1 thought on “Week 3- Do You See What I See”

  1. It’s wonderful to see organizations that are dedicated to the restoration of the community through youth education. Looking forward to hearing more about what you guys will plan on doing to help the elderly and provide a sound growing experience for the children.

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