Week 1: First Days in Detroit – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 1: First Days in Detroit

I didn’t have any solid expectations of Detroit, the DCBRP program, or my internship in the Detroit Public Schools’ Office of Energy and Sustainability, but I still managed to be surprised by them all.

Most of what I have heard about Detroit is that it’s a dangerous city. But when I was applying for this program I was told that Midtown, where I would be, was quite safe, and that Detroit as a whole was revitalizing. Now that I’m here, the city seems neither as bad nor as good as people made it out to be. The atmosphere of the city is foreboding. On the other hand, there are some well kept areas, and some intense construction within the blighted sections. Therefore, as of my first few days here, I mostly feel apprehensive.

As for the DCBRP program, I still don’t really have much of an idea of what to expect from it. I’m thinking that it will be something along the lines of the importance of getting to know the community before you try to help them so that you don’t inadvertently cause harm, and such. Though I am hoping to gain a few things from this program, such as a more diverse worldview, work experience, knowledge and experience of a major US city, and personal growth, I also hope to be of substantial use to The Detroit Public Schools Office of Energy and Sustainability


I’ve only been here a few days, but that was enough to realize that they drastically need help. One can even physically see the need; a huge building filled with empty cubicles and offices where less and less people work every year, and the ones that are kept work increasingly harder.


Also, what is up with this bus system?


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