Week 1 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 1

Hey Dom,

The next ten weeks are going to be really exciting, and I implore you to make the most out of them. Your placement at Metro Matters will allow you to do the sort of policy-centric research in metro-Detroit that you always wanted to do, and the opportunity to live in the city itself will be incredible. But these opportunities aren’t something that you can simply take for granted; they aren’t an end in themselves. In order to make the most of this program you’re going to have to have to challenge yourself to step outside of what is comfortable and what you think you know.

At the group meeting this evening you said that the thing you wanted to avoid at work is getting tunnel vision on my project and doing research that isn’t grounded in actual community needs. I know it is easier and more comfortable to sit behind a computer and research community problems and possible policy solutions, but how can you really understand community problems without understanding the community? You need to challenge yourself to ensure that the needs and solutions that you are writing about are actually driven by the people you talk to, not your own flawed thinking.

And this challenge should extend beyond just your time in the office. As much as you can, avoid sitting in your room wasting away your opportunity to experience Detroit. There are so many unique people and ideas within the city for you to become acquainted with if you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone and talk to people you don’t know.

Certainly enjoy your summer and do the things that make you happy. But ten weeks from now, I think you’ll know if this summer was successful if you are more comfortable doing things that are uncomfortable. I think this challenge and discomfort is the only way you will really get the most out of this program and grow as a person.

1 thought on “Week 1”

  1. Dom – I feel that one of the best ways to avoid ” getting tunnel vision on my project and doing research that isn’t grounded in actual community needs” is by talking to those working around you and those in the community. By understanding the larger context in which your work lies, you will avoid forgetting the communities wants and needs. I understand why this might be challenging, but if you remind yourself of this you’ll have a much better experience!!!

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