Expectations and Intentions – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Expectations and Intentions

Downtown Sunrise
Downtown Sunrise

Hey Lo,

I know being  born and raised in Detroit makes you feel a certain amount of duty to do something great during this internship, but I don’t want you to put undue pressure on yourself. Just do the best you can at all times. Your first week at Voices for Earth Justice was great! You met a few of people who play significant roles in Detroit’s urban agriculture scene as well as started developing your research project. Throughout the summer I want you to stay focused and always connect the dots! Take the time to appreciate all that Detroit has to offer. Get out of your comfort zone and get creative. You’ve been wanting to participate in Detroit’s urban agriculture movement for so long. And now, here you are getting paid to do it for 10 weeks! Everything has been laid out for you, now it’s time make it happen. Make sure you keep your camera on you. You should have tons of photos by the end of this.

I know you are concerned about making connections with your fellow DCBRP participants because you are commuting, but there will be opportunities to interact during seminar. Just stay open to opportunities. We’ll catch up later.



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