Week 2 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2

I will admit that at first I was a bit leery of my placement. I think it was the fact that my office has no windows which is quite off-putting. Now I am into week two and I love it. This is not to say that I have fallen in love with the 9-5 workday but I feel much more adjusted and purposeful. I am working at the Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision (SDEV), which is a nonprofit which aims to strengthen the community through community gardening, improving the environment and bringing awareness to the community at large. I must say the people are great.

My project specifically focuses on an anti-idling program started by Michigan grad student Todd Ziegler. Truck idling is a widespread practice among truck drivers for their own comfortability and trailer requirements but it sends damaging diesel exhaust into the air. Not only does this diesel exhaust harm the environment but it damages the body and can have adverse effects. Especially in an area like Southwest Detroit that is located near the Ambassador Bridge which sees the largest amount of semi-truck and passenger car traffic, daily.

Thus far my time in Detroit has been amazing. Like I said in my last post I am discovering the city with a new set of eyes. I love the energy of the city. I try to find me time everyday where I can just relax and reflect after a long day in the office. Yesterday, I really wanted to find a green space so I went on a search for a park. It was therapeutic.


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