Observations – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program


I just knew I was going to have my blog turned in on time this week! Foiled again. 🙁 I really tried, but I was waiting to complete an interview on Thursday that I was really anticipating, as well as, attend a community meeting that went well into the evening. After the commute, (which is a solid 45 minutes; add 20-30 for rush hour) I grabbed up my sweet little 10 month old baby and gave him about one hundred kisses. He was very happy to see me too. This has been a transition for the both of us. The rest of the family has been really supportive too. The hubby has been awesome! I am lucky to have such a great family!

These last three weeks at Voices for Earth Justice have been amazing! I’m meeting so many positive go-getters that are making major moves in Detroit. Being an organization that deals with agriculture, I’m outside a lot. And that leads to my most important observation: Bugs like to bite me! I mean, they are chowing down on me like there is no one else to bite. These mosquito bites itch like crazy and it doesn’t matter that I have on long sleeves and pants, they just bite through. I guess all this rain has spawned Super Squitos! Oh yeah, I have a mystery lump on my arm that appeared after a work day last Tuesday. At first I thought it was just another mosquito bite, but it didn’t itch. It seemed to get bigger and bigger, though. After a couple of days when it started to hurt a little bit I went to the doctor. They scheduled me for an ultrasound and I went about my business.

Mystery lump!
Mystery lump!

After I showed someone at work she shook her head and said “oh dear, I think you’ve been bitten by a spider!” A what? Eye roll. Mild panic attack inside. Now I’m envisioning spider eggs in my arm waiting to burst through like an alien species. A little over-dramatic you say?  Eye roll. The lump has started to shrink, but not much.  It’s not that I’m scared of insects, it’s just that I don’t like things biting and crawling on me. (Or spawning inside me!)

It’s been a long week and it’s still not over. I have to attend an event on Saturday, but it’s only a few hours. Right now I’m just going to relax on this Friday evening catch up on some sleep.  Peace!

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