How’s DPS Doing? – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

How’s DPS Doing?

Not well.

But better.

The same can be said for the city of Detroit itself.

The Detroit Public Schools system is broke, at a third of it’s size, and considerably under-manned.

20150619_124230 Empty chairs at empty tables

Yet those that are left are giving their all, doing the jobs of three people, to repair and improve the schools as much as they are able.  It’s the story of the whole of Detroit on a smaller scale.

DPS is, for instance, working hard to improve its infrastructure: changing lights to florescents  and LEDs, retrofitting buildings to improve energy efficiency, restructuring their organization, and way more

20150619_122821 A lot of the energy work is done alongside DTE, which had us up on the roof of our building trying to figure out what we had and where it connected.

It has taken and will take a lot of soul, but I’d bet on both DPS and Detroit getting out of this slump20150620_182702


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