WEEK 7: Bike Polo – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

WEEK 7: Bike Polo

Last week, A few of us decided to go to Bucharest Grill for dinner. I’ve always heard great things about the restaurant, but have never been, so I was very excited to go! The food was awesome! I’m never the one to try new things, however, I’m happy I tried Bucharest! Someone suggested that we go to Clark Park to sit and eat. I was amazed to see how beautiful of a park it was. The park also included a skating rink. While sitting and eating, we were surprised to see a unique game being played, bike polo.

I’ve never heard of bike polo until last weekend. It’s played just like regular polo, except for riding horses, you ride bikes! From observing, the rules of the games seemed to be a combo of field hockey and polo. At times the game was very intense and a bit aggressive. Players were really passionate about the sport and made no exceptions about the rules. One thing that was also surprising is the age of the players. Most of the men were in their early to mid 30s in my opinion.

Overall, we all had a good times. We ate some great food, had some great conversation and great laughs. Plus, I think I may have found a new hobby!IMG_20150717_221447

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