Week 4 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 4

One thing that’s really challenging for me in the Green Garage is speaking quietly. The climate is very gentle and relaxed, and I unfortunately have a voice that negates both of those things. Naturally, my voice carries a significant amount. Having an “inside voice” for me basically means whispering, which makes me feel like a ten year old boy. This isn’t a really big deal, but it is definitely something I’ve made a conscious effort to control. Sometimes when I get excited over something or have a conversation with Brett, my voice will crescendo into its booming, natural range, resulting in me getting a stern glare from the Green Garage owner.

Midtown itself feels isolated from Detroit, at least pertaining to culture. Within the Green Garage, it seems like a lot of the workers are people who moved to Detroit recently. They certainly have the friendly spirit I notice in Detroit, but it is unfair to say that they are archetypes of Detroit culture. Midtown as of late has seen a large influx of transplants, usually white upper-middle class artists or young entrepreneurs. Also, many people just work in Midtown and go home to their suburban homes. Midtown is becoming more of a melting pot of non-Detroiters, I suppose.

Regarding the people I work with, the Green Garage definitely resembles the midwestern stereotype of “being nice.” People here that I talk to all are very engaging and personable. Every week, I meet someone new who I then feel comfortable enough starting a conversation with around the Garage. The culture at Fresh Corner itself is very attentive and active while remaining low stress, an ideal combination by my standards. One of my bosses technically is an East Coaster, but that’s splitting hairs; he’s adopted Detroit as his new home.


Here is a very handsome photo of (from left to right) me, Julian (a fellow coworker), and Brett (you all know him) at the Detroit Achievement Academy. Clearly, we’re working very hard here. It’s a great added bonus working with lots of people my own age.

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