Week 5: Alternative forms of Education are confusing – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 5: Alternative forms of Education are confusing

This article is befitting since I am working with a program with high schoolers and we are in a couple of charter schools. There was some overlap in the schools we work at and that were listed in the article so it hit close to home. I kinda found the article on a wim but I am interested in it, because I can feel that there are a lot of opinions floating around about charter schools.
Apparently Detroit has the most charter schools in the country after New Orleans.
My best friend went to a charter school in Lansing all throughout before high school and my older brother went to a charter school in Philadelphia so I have some connection to it, but I still don’t funny get how they work, even after reading this article (and others) and its ok (?)because I get the main points. People suck and don’t really care as much about student’s education as they care about their bottom line. If there are more things that I should know and you can explain it in a simple way, let me know.
It so interesting especially the movement of students in Detroit between schools. Once I went to Michigan and not accounting for a school change because one school shut down (  ), I have stayed in the same public schools all throughout my educational career. Out of the like 4 (?) that I have talked to specifically about school have moved a lot, like once every year to a different school. I can’t even conceptualize it. And I personally don’t think it should be like this.
Also the article talks about Excellent Schools Detroit which is where some other DCBRPers are interning at!
Another DCBRPer talked about this article too, which should be even more incentive for you to read it and get your own opinion on it.


1 thought on “Week 5: Alternative forms of Education are confusing”

  1. Nicholas Maternowski

    You have to wonder what the effects of going to a different school each year is for a student, because like you I stayed at the same schools during middle school, high school and so on and that was rough enough. Great blog post.

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