Top down…Grassroots up..My first presidential election – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Top down…Grassroots up..My first presidential election

(Please read article first)

I find this article extremely interesting for the reason that I am sure people all around the world are having mixed feelings of hopelessness in addition to worrying about the future of the United States.  With the presidential election in full swing, I am certain that these thoughts have crossed the minds of many people who are having a difficult time in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. With the 2016 presidential election being in the midst of the Black Lives Matter movement, the Transgender/LBGTQ movement, the rise of police brutality that is being portrayed in the media, recent terrorist attacks, unexpected crisis’s occurring etc., the United States demands a leader who takes into account all of these issues. However, I believe president Obama did a phenomenal job in office, and I think he has had his hands tied with all of the turmoil that has been thrown at him, given his position of power and ethnicity.

Many of the young activists who have decided to not vote, triggers a sense of uneasiness for me. With the history of African Americans fighting for the right to vote, who am I not to vote. The activists in this article mentioned several times how they have not seen any justice served, seeing no value in the top down approach. Although many of these acts that have taken place are ridiculous and extremely unfortunate, our voices need to be heard. My father always stressed the importance of inserting oneself into the system in order to change the system. If many of our young people, activists, general public etc., decide not to take the government seriously, what would the state of the black community, and any other oppressed community be if everyone decided to give up and not participate? I believe in order to create change we need our activist, community leaders etc., and government officials to combat many of these issues that have heavily impacted the country.

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