Week 6: Good Interactions – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 6: Good Interactions

People are really important to me, and the people I interact with and things of that nature. Which is one of the main reasons that I choose to intern at the Detroit Food Academy as opposed to something that would have related to my major more, I wanted to interact with people. One of the also reasons that I have been doubting my choice in Environmental Studies (PitE) because other than environmental justice or education, I can’t see how I can interact with people.
Which is also the reason why I have been having some frustrations with my placements, because we are mostly in the office a lot of the times doing nothing. Which is a lot different than I expected. However despite some of my frustrations, I need to understand that I am in this placement for a reason.
An interaction this weekend that helped that reason to be true was going home for 4th of July. One of my coworkers is from Lansing and she knew that I would probably be needing a ride home, so she asked me if I wanted one and I said yes! If you have been in a position where you don’t have access to a car that consistently and have to depend on others for rides and the fear and shame that comes with asking, the holy grail is someone asking you if you need a ride.
I was soooooo blessed. She gave not only me a ride but my little sister as well.
The ride was AMAZING! It was probably the best car ride of my life (not making it a competition though). I was sooo blessed by her and having 1.5 hours to learn more about her. I was sooooo blessed hearing her story and her struggles and triumphs in life and everything in between. She was soooooo open and real. I have never interacted with a person who is on that level of realness.
I believe in everything happening for a reason, so having that interaction truly showed me why I was placed in this placement to learn from people especially in ways that I don’t perceive it happening, like a car ride home.

And then i got to hang out with my family who I haven’t seen together in a long time so I was really blessed. And here is a picture of us together. IMG_0808

1 thought on “Week 6: Good Interactions”

  1. I’m so happy you had that experience going to Lansing! She truly is great, and someone I would like to get to know better.

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