I’m really frustrated. – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

I’m really frustrated.

If anyone would like to get even more disappointed in America, watch this documentary about the problems with the War on Drugs and our prisons. Here’s a great book providing a history of the nation through a different, less positively-spun perspective


It’s been almost two years since Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer. The event was the first instance of a black person being killed by the police I was aware of happening during my lifetime. In the time that’s passed dozens more black citizens have been killed seemingly for just being black, hundreds of hours of media coverage have filled the airways, thousands of people have marched in protest, millions have become aware of a corrupt system that protects and practices racism (our collective police force, and nothing has changed. With the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in the past few days, along with the 4th of July having been on Monday, I’m reminded that America is kind of the worst. There’s plenty of evidence to support this as our country has rarely gone a decade without systematically oppressing somebody. Police violence against our black friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens has not only gone on for too long, but been in the spotlight for so long and it seems like many of those in power refuse to push positive changes.

I’m proud to be working for a business, Fresh Corner, that aims to improve the lives of the people of Detroit. I love people; I love and admire many of the people in this city and that I see in my life. I’m proud to be a part of the communities I am a part of, and I think there are many more wonderful communities. There are two things that are frustrating me right now. While there are great people doing great things for people who could use a hand, many people in need are only in need because of policies put in place that either intentionally or inadvertently harm or eliminate their chances to thrive. That isn’t a new reality but in conjunction with the weeks killings things just seem so bleak. To what extent does civil discontent and unrest need to go to end what is truly a mind-blowing violation of human rights? I don’t know. I don’t know how coherent this post is. I’m just pissed at America.


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