Week 7: Facing history in the present – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 7: Facing history in the present


“Whereas the violence of the oppressors prevents the oppressed from being fully human, the response of the latter to this violence is grounded in the desire to pursue the right to be human.” – Paulo Freire


“Those who authentically commit themselves to the people must re-examine themselves constantly.” – Paulo Freire

As I watch the news concerning the recent shootings of the officers in Baton Rouge the conversation the DCBRP group had about the division within our group comes to the forefront of my mind. This conversation allowed some people to take part in a dialogue that they typically would not have been a part of at school and allowed others revisit a dialogue space that seems all too familiar. Although these dialogues seem to bring attention to the division within smaller groups, what do we do for larger groups?

What do we do for the United States of America? What do we do when the problems that persisted in history were never solved? What do you do when you are told to forget history and then it repeats itself?




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