WEEK 8 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program


Touring the Russel Industrial Center was a hoot and a half! Seeing the inside of many artists’ studios was a real treat because I’m always fascinated what their “workspaces” look like. My dad paints as a hobby and has instilled a love of the arts into me. Particularly, the man doing the woodwork was very interesting. I hope when I’m around his age, I stay active with something I’m passionate about. Out of all of the Thursday activities, this one stuck out to me the most. Our dialogue on race and relationships, however, was the most important for the cohort. After this conversation, I gained a lot of insight into group dynamics, and the cohort grew closer because of this. It’s nearly impossible to get everyone together in a relatively formal setting and have a conversation like this, so the Thursday meeting was great. Our second Thursday meeting at the Dequindre Cut started set a strong precedent for the rest of them, and fortunately, all expectations have been met.

Regarding the Tuesday meetings, I think Angela from Detroit Food Academy did a fantastic job leading a conversation about so many great topics. Rather than be talked to, she engaged everyone and led a meaningful conversation. I thought my boss did a great job and spent a long time asking us questions about our placements. That also didn’t feel like being talked at, but rather a conversation. I’m biased because I know both of these people from work, but the consensus was very positive. An hour and a half is a long time to have to be entertained in this setting, so keeping everyone engaged is a true feat.

With only three left, I look forward to what’s to come. I’ve heard good things about the second to last one, so my expectations are pretty high.



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