Week 4: Cultural Cues – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 4: Cultural Cues

The neighborhood I work in, Brightmoor, reminds me of some neighborhoods back home in Saginaw. A lot of the houses are vacant and boarded up. But I noticed how much more full of life the streets of this neighborhood are than in Saginaw. Families are often out walking and taking care of their yards, kids ride their bikes around, teenagers meet up and walk around the neighborhood and park across the street. Since I spend most of each day outside in the yard gardening, I see what goes on and interact with a lot of the people who walk by. Everyone who walks by is friendly, and most inquire or comment on the garden. People have told me to be very careful and not spend time outside in neighborhoods that look like how Brightmoor looks, but I’ve never felt unsafe or unwelcome, or even encountered anyone unfriendly. What I have learned is that people around appreciate if you initiate conversation. This past week, we had a group of volunteers from a Catholic work camp come help us clean up Hope House property. It was interesting to see their reactions and observations of the neighborhood, as they primarily came from white suburbs around the midwest. Over the week, they ended up being impressed by the friendliness of the neighbors and the effort put in by everyone to keep the neighborhood clean and safe.


1 thought on “Week 4: Cultural Cues”

  1. Jean Anne Heng

    Working in downtown Detroit, I don’t get to see much of what lies beyond the Q-line line, (Ayat and I have gotten so disillusioned by the Q-line that we came up with a theory that states the end of the Q-line is basically just the end of the earth, like, a cliff with blank white space beyond) but ANYWAY, I really loved reading about the neighbourhood you described. From your words alone I sensed the comfort of community, and the warm cocoon of family. I’m glad you’re experiencing all this, and I’m glad that you’re having a good time so far. <3

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