Week 8 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 8

I’ve actually learned a lot from the group meetings, two in particular, the Dequidre Cut bike ride and the Black Scroll Tour that we did earlier in the summer. These are simple things that made me think more about certain things that I can explore after this internship. Things that I can do and places that I can go with my friends in Detroit. These are things that I can show to people and actually seem knowledgeable about a city that I’ve lived in for my whole life. Just on the Black Scroll Tour, I learned history that I never would have even thought to look up without that initial provocation. I learned about signs that I’ve passed so many times but have never thought to read and places that I never thought were important. Whereas on the Dequindre Cut, I just admired the murals that I’d never seen before but I was certain that they’d always been there.

Each of the events that we’ve had has helped me become more knowledgeable about Detroit. From just casual talks with people who’ve grown up here to actual presentations about the two Detroits that become more obvious to me every day, this program as a whole has been pragmatic way for me to get to know more about the city.

1 thought on “Week 8”

  1. Alyson Elizabeth Grigsby

    Hey Daria,

    I almost wish that I wrote my blog post about the Black Scroll Tour too! I really did not know that Detroit was so involved with slavery with the Detroit Free Press. Between that and the multiple statues of people that we “claim” as heroes despite the fact that they may have been slave owners, it makes me view the city differently in terms of its history and how it developed today.

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