In my original post, I don’t think I really understood what the scope of my project would be. I knew I was leading an anti-idling campaign, but the direction of my project was highly dependent on who I met with and what they could do for the campaign. I ended up doing way more with the police department and council members than outreach to the community. I had to work closely with the police to determine a process for enforcement of the ordinance, which is still a work in progress. I submitted a report to our local council woman outlining the necessary revisions to the ordinance to make it more effective, after reviewing ordinances from other locations across the country. I learned a lot about policy and how a city council works.
Outside of work, I had hoped to network with people in the environmental health community, get to know other people in the program, and explore Detroit. I have met more people than I could have imagined through my placement. From city officials to motivated citizens to nonprofit leaders, I’ve really gotten to see how the environmental work in the city comes together through many different groups. I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to interact with so many people active in their community, and with the people in the program. I’m surprised how fast these ten weeks flew by, but I was able to explore a lot of what I had originally intended. Through my work, I became more comfortable with public speaking and networking. I’ve gotten to know more areas of Detroit than just downtown, even though there are many more for me to learn about. I’ve learned the struggles a nonprofit faces, but also seen the impact projects can have on the community.