Hey Ros,
So, you’re three days into the program and you are beginning to adjust and even getting into a “work-flow”. Much like you expected, your boss is pretty relaxed, and you thankfully don’t have to come to work in business attire. However, you did not anticipate how much more business oriented the work you would be doing actually is, rather than Food and Health oriented. Even though the ultimate goal is to increase healthy food access, your day to day behind the scenes work with the non-profit involves more marketing and ‘businessy’ type tasks. Nevertheless, I think that you will still very much enjoy the work that is ahead. You will learn a lot of valuable things that you did not anticipate to be entailed in your job as you’ve already started to today. You will meet and interact with many new and interesting people who will teach you various things from great recipes to the true value of the work you are doing, so do not fret.
In return, I’m hoping that you will contribute to this organization with knowledge from your own experiences with food around the world and also add the perspective of a young individual wherever it may be beneficial. Share your ideas and thoughts about everything on the table because you never know how good or necessary they are if the team doesn’t hear them. Do your work and do it well so that it reflects the degree to which you believe in and support this cause.
As for the city, I think that there are a lot of things to do and see so enjoy the weather and explore as much as you possibly can with the other students in the Cohort. Meet as many new people as you are able to and create all kinds of memories.
Good luck,
Roselyn, how old are you? HA just playin’. I appreciate the Shakespearean touch.
I vibe with your apprehension about your work so hard. Very little of my work is what I expected. I figured it would be a great deal more customer and food service oriented, but in fact it’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff. It still ultimately relates to the food service end, but as interns, we have to deal as much with the back-end stuff as with the front-end. In addition, I enjoy and appreciate when I actually get to enter the community and serve food all the more to know that I worked at most every step in the process. I hope you feel that way, too and, if not now, I suspect that you will!
Heyoo Roselyn,
I think it’s really cool that you’re already starting to learn the things it takes ‘behind the scenes’ to make a production, and it’s even cooler to think of all you’ll have the expertise you gain wherever you go. It is sweet to hear that you’re surrounded by people that can share their expertise on everything from cooking to the implications of the work you’ll all be doing.
I’m really impressed with how you own the value in your perspective and experience. You’re really smart, and really experienced, and I am just as sure as you are that the comfort you have in raising your thoughts will make your impact at the Green Garage something great.
(Also, I envy your workplace attire. I have worn more slacks in the past week than I had in the past five years)