Dear Brenda,
I would have never expected that I would be with Detroit Food Academy again or that I would be one of the interns. As of now my main goals are to improve on my writing and knowledge on programs such as salesforce and Excel as well as give insight as someone who has experienced the program as a high school student. I am glad to have the advantage of being familiar of where I will be working this summer. How I feel right now is very excited and nervous at the same time because I have already made some dumb mistakes in a matter of a few days. I was late for that meeting earlier this week because I assumed it would be in a certain room and lost track of time, I did not put two and two together that the meeting could be in a different room. Today I filed some of the surveys without putting them into Salesforce despite there being a note saying they needed to be submitted. I am honestly scared about ending up as a disappointment especially since I know some of the people I will be working with. However, despite all of my worries I still have hope that by the end I can leave knowing I have improved myself and contributed something that is meaningful.
Another thing is that mentally I feel like I am kind of just drifting through life. I know Detroit will feel more like “home” over the summer as I spend more time with old and new friends and become more adjusted to where I am living and the position but that’s not where I am right now. I have lived in Detroit for all of high school and have been coming back for the summer but it doesn’t feel like “home” like it once did and Ann Arbor does not feel like “home” either. This is not as much related to the internship but I have also been kind of feeling ashamed of myself lately because of how dependent I can be and where I am not in life as a 20 years old. I am trying to keep it kind of vague since this will be on the internet but you will probably remember why I feel like I am a bumb right now anyways. I have people I know I can talk to, I don’t need to put it all on a blog.
First, I am happy you are my roommate for the summer; I am looking forward to the time we will spend together! Second, I completely understand how you feel like you are drifting and too dependent. I often feel the same way. I moved a lot growing up, so I sometimes feel like I do not have a set, tangible home/house, but many. Ann Arbor has started to feel like the closest thing to a physical home. As you know, I have a twin sister, so I always had someone to rely on, so learning to be on my own and confident in myself and my abilities has been a difficult adjustment. Adulting is hard!
Hi Brenda,
I think you’re going to be great this summer! It’s totally okay to make mistakes- you’re learning and allowed to figure things out. Best of luck!