Week 2 – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Week 2

I work at Friends of Parkside on the east side of Detroit. The organization is a non-profit with the mission to provide different health, safety, and educational opportunities for residents at the Villages of Parkside. The organization addresses the wants and needs of residents. Friends of Parkside provides different activities and programs for children and adults throughout the year. My summer project is to coordinate the 11th Annual Parkside Health and Safety Fair. I had to read over the evaluations from the 2018 health fair to prepare for this health fair. I had to pay close attention to the volunteer, vendor, and attendee evaluations to determine what the community liked about the health fair and what they wanted to be included in this health fair.

My first week in Detroit was fine. Since I live here everything feels the same, but it feels great to be working so close to my home in Detroit. On Sunday I chaperoned a field trip to the Fishing Feast for the children from the Villages of Parkside. During the week, I contacted organizations and agencies that attended the Health Fair last year. I searched for different catering and entertainment options. I led my first planning committee meeting this Wednesday. Now I am waiting for vendor confirmations to ensure that there are a variety of vendors so attendees can get the most out of the health fair. Today I had the opportunity to attend a meeting for a new project that FOP is working on and I was able to meet with students from the School of Public Health.


1 thought on “Week 2”

  1. Josephine Kate Graham

    Don’aa, this is amazing! I can tell you are working very hard in planning this fair and hopefully learning a ton. Excited to see how it turns out!

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