Looking Back – Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program

Looking Back

Offline (Until Next Time) by EtherialIce on DeviantArt

After reading my first blog post it made my heart heavy to realize how far we’ve come. It truly boggles my mind how fast these few weeks have gone and how quickly I had to adapt to working online and learning new things. I had composed an email to my supervisors with a list of things they will need when I’m gone for the next intern such as passwords, documents, and designs I’ve created, contact information, and itineraries. It made me realize my impact on the organization. Through the weeks I was constantly working and going on to the next task that I hadn’t stopped to realize the overall impact I had made. After composing the email it was a little saddening to realize that the internship was actually over. In the middle of the summer my site had mentioned continuing my placement, I sadly don’t think I will be able to continue due to my other priorities starting back up during the school year but I hope we can work something out maybe next summer.

As far as working with the cohort it was weird not having a Thursday meeting on the 30th haha, I’ve gotten used to hearing from everyone, and not having the meeting really symbloized everything was truly over. However, I’m glad our last “meeting” was the showcase because I can truly say everyone did an amazing job putting it together and it was a pleasant way to “showcase” our accomplishments. In the future I know we will remain in contact, it was comforting to hear that a lot of the fellows were continuing along a public health journey and I hope we have some classes with each other in the future. <3

Overall, this experience exceeded my expectations, I can confidently say that I have grown not only professionally but as a person. I learned about new topics and concepts that I wouldnt have learned without the real world experience of working with a cohort and non-profit. I’m grateful for everything and have no regrets.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for everyone:)


Grace Tate

1 thought on “Looking Back”

  1. It was so much fun working with you Grace! Almost seems like our microwave cake and mac and cheese demos were yesterday :’) looking forward to meeting you in person sometime soon!

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